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Chief Promo Marketer September 27, 2016
3 Ways to Feed the Relentless Content Creation Beast
If content creation becomes more about churning through the process than collaborating on the creative, the final product suffers and audiences disengage. More…
A Guide to Success With Influencer Marketing
New audiences and instant trust are among the benefits of influencer marketing. More…
4 Ways to Use Mobile to Optimize Back-to-School Shoppers
Mobile engagement done right can reinforce and extend customer loyalty far beyond what any technology has done before. More…

Three Ways to Win the Social Media Content Game
To make a successful piece of social media content you need to accomplish just three simple, interrelated objectives. More…
Goodbye Marketing Funnel, Hello Mobile Engagement Loop
The mobile engagement loop includes 4 stages where brands encourage customers to opt in, build trust by personalizing content and create loyal advocates. More…

Integrating a New Brand Strategy: 4 Tips
Significant time and resource is spent to get brand strategy right. But too often, leaders aren’t investing enough effort thinking about how to operationalize the new brand across the organization. More…

Job Opportunities

Flight Dynamics Engineer
Hughes, Gilbert, AZ

Enterprise IT Training Specialist
Raytheon, Herndon, VA

Veterinary Nurse
Virginia Tech, National Capital Region, VA

Associate Vice President of Development and Campaign Director
WGBH Boston, Boston, MA

Senior Software Engineer II
Akamai Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA

Senior Software Engineer II
Akamai Technologies, Inc., Cambridge, MA
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