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Chief Marketer Direct
September 4 2014


Six Tips for Better B2B Social Marketing
What's more important, content or context? Do your contacts at LinkedIn want to see your wedding photos? What's the best way to go global? Here’s what some of the experts at BMA2014 had to say about B2B social marketing.
Why B2B Marketing Won’t Succeed Without Sales
The sales cycle may have moved online, but that doesn’t change how we should be thinking about selling. Discover ways marketing and sales can work together to benefit the entire organization.
Four Features Every Product Demo Should Have
You only get one chance to make a first impression, so when you get the opportunity to get in front of a prospect you don’t want to blow it. Use these ideas when developing your strategy for product demos at your next live event.
Database Guru Arthur Hughes Dies
Database marketing pioneer and author Arthur Middleton Hughes passed away unexpectedly on Aug. 20 at age 86 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Learn more about Hughes' impressive life and career.
Chief Marketer’s Annual B2B Lead Gen Survey
It’s no surprise that online channels are showing the largest growth for B2B lead generation in 2014. Download this special report for our exclusive survey results and discover the increasing role of social media for B2B lead gen, the continued role of email, how social fits into the mix, and more.

Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager/Coordinator
Beyer Blinder Belle Architechts & Planners LLP, Washington, DC

Event Marketing Manager
Athenahealth, Inc., Watertown, MA

Marketing Director
Covention Data Services, Bourne, MA

Marketing Manager
Bank of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK

Marketing Manager
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Washington, DC

Global Marketing Manager
Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ

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The Data-Driven Marketer
You’re on the way to becoming a data-driven marketer – find out how far ahead (or behind) you are by taking a look at this survey of more than 850 B2B marketers. This special report reveals valuable information about how your peers and their approach to data-driven marketing.

The Math of Modern Marketing: How Predictive Analytics Makes Marketing More Effective
Learn how you can turn all the data your company collects into accurate, real-time insights that can help you drive better customer engagements and build loyalty.

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