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Chief Marketer Direct
September 17, 2014


Partnerships Key to Business Success: Report
Finding new ideas and innovation are the top driver for strategic partnerships worldwide, according to a new study by the CMO Council and the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
Making Your Creative Pop: 4 Steps
"Make it pop" is one of the most common—and infuriating—questions creatives hear. Learn how your team can craft copy and creative that will fill this client request...before they even ask.
Marketers Contributing More to Sales Pipeline
A report from Bizo and Oracle shows many B2B marketers are contributing up to 20% of their company's new leads.
Marketing Money Watch: 5 Tips for Selling Your Business
Considering selling your independent marketing services firm? Here’s five tips to get the most out of your venture.

Job Opportunities

Event Marketing Manager, Business Marketing
Twitter, San Francisco, California

Sales and Marketing Manager
Smith Firestone Associates, Los Angeles, California

Interactive Solutions Marketing Manager
Telerent Leasing Corp., Raleigh, South Carolina

Community Outreach/Marketing Manager
Cappex, Chicago, Illinois

Marketing Director - Real Estate
Confidential, Houston, Texas

Related Content

Real-Time Marketing: Go Beyond the Buzz
Savvy marketers are using social intelligence to drive marketing programs based on what their audience is interested in, when they’re interested in it. Learn how you can add value to marketing interactions at every touch point.

B2B Marketing Toolkit
In this Chief Marketer Toolkit, discover ideas from the experts for improving your 2014 B2B Marketing strategies in: Direct Mail; Social Media; Data and Analytics; Lead Gen; Content Marketing; and more!

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