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Chief Business Marketer February 9, 2017
Strategies for More Effective Lead Scoring
To decrease the length of the sales cycle and increase ROI, it's important to continually fine tune lead scoring models. Learn how you can optimize campaign performance. More…
Marketers’ Most Wanted: Teachers
In the Most Wanted series, Chief Marketer looks at some of the top demographic segments marketers need to target in 2017. This week, we look at K-12 teachers. More…
Three B2B Marketing Trends to Watch
The top B2B marketing trends for 2017 reflect much of what B2C marketers are experiencing: B2B buyers deserve the same individual, humanized attention consumers desire from retailer or CPG brands. More…

Want a Job? Get Videography, Social and Content Skills
Social media management, content writing and videography are among the 20 fastest growing skills marketers are looking for, according to a new survey from Upwork. More…
Modern Marketing Health Check: Creating Business Alignment
Business alignment is critical. Creating customer experiences that work across multiple channels and devices means touching a lot of boxes on the org chart – including many marketing might not own. More…

Influencer Marketing Must Focus on Customer Needs: Report
Influencer marketing offers much opportunity for brands willing to invest time and resources and place customer experience at the forefront of their marketing strategies, according to a new report. More…
Job Opportunities

Access Marketing Manager
Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA

SCA Electronics Technician Maintenance 2 - TESS - Fort Riley, KS
CSRA, Fort Riley, KS

Security Lead - Clinton, IL
Exelon Corporation, CLINTON, IL
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Case Study: Chicken of the Sea
Pivot Point needed to develop a wholly-ownable, multi-faceted communications platform, expansive enough to capture the brand’s essence of exploration, create a more emotional connection with our consumer target, support multiple product launches to drive incremental volume with retail partners…and all with a minimal budget.

On Demand Webinar: Video Marketing Myth Busting
We get it: starting your video marketing strategy from scratch isn’t easy. What videos do you need to create first? Where will they live on your website? How much budget will you need? And don’t even get me started on video equipment! It can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

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