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Chief Business Marketer February 5, 2015
Connecting With Millennials Requires a New Approach
Engaging with Millennials requires both B2B and B2C marketers to be available and authentic in all channels. LeadsCon Las Vegas presenters Andi Boyd and Zach Robbins share ideas on how to connect with the next generation of professionals.  More…
2015 B2B Marketing Outlook
It’s 2015. Do you know if your B2B marketing strategy is where you want it to be? In this special report, Chief Marketer asks the experts for the top tips and trends you need to improve B2B lead generation, engagement, customer retention and ROI. More…
Why Your Live Event Team Needs to Go Hollywood
Live events and blockbuster movies both want to create a meaningful experience. Here's 4 ideas your  team can steal from Hollywood to make your next event a star. More…

5 Ways Empowered Consumers Will Change Marketing in 2015
Information is power, and your customers have it. Here's 5 key trends marketers need to watch in 2015 to engage with empowered consumers. More…

Job Opportunities

Marketing Director
Lantern Crest Assisted Living, Santee, CA

Field Product Marketing Manager
EMC, Santa Clara, CA

Marketing Manager
Meyer Sound, Berkeley, CA

Field Marketing Manager
Graduate Management Admission Council, Reston, VA

Marketing Director
Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Washington, DC

Product Marketing Manager
EMC, Sanata Clara, CA

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