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Chief Marketer Direct
December 22, 2014


3 Steps to Prepare for a Marketing Career
Are you looking to hire the next generation of great B2B marketers? David Scott offers tips on the courses, training and experience students need to prepare for a position in a modern day marketing department.
Channel Integration Technology
Channel integration technology is critical in making sure that customer experience remains a constant regardless of how a customer is communicating with a brand. Learn more in our new special report.
Top 5 Tips: Direct Mail Checklist for 2015
Is your 2015 marketing plan entirely digital? Maybe you should rethink that. Here's five ways direct mail can be an effective part of your multichannel strategy in 2015.
Tips for Boosting B2B Sales
For marketers looking to increase B2B business, a good place to start is understanding exactly who B2B buyers are.

Job Opportunities

Email Marketing Manager, San Diego, CA

Audience Marketing Manager
Informa Exhibitions, Phoenix, AZ

Online Marketing Manager
Amsoil Inc, Al Amatuzio, Superior, WI

Digital Marketing Manager
Aircradt Owners and Pilots Association, Frederick, MD

Public Relations/Marketing Manager
Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center, Rockville, MD

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Tracking Phone Leads: The Missing Piece of Marketing Automation
Phone leads are the most valuable to sales and when you can’t track phone leads back to specific campaigns, you can’t take credit for revenue. This paper explains how to track phone leads using voice-based marketing automation.

Become a Global Marketing Guru
70% of internet users are not native English speakers. 75% of the world’s economy is outside the USA. Every marketer needs these 5 strategies for adapting their marketing content for international use.

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