Email Optimization | Forming a True Sales-Marketing Partnership
Chief Business Marketer January 11, 2018
National Championship Excitement is Electric for Ideal
A competition to find the country’s top electricians is helping Ideal Industries build brand and draw new professionals to the trade. More…
6 Reasons to Keep Data Clean in 2018
Got bad data? Make keeping your data clean and current one of your new year’s resolutions in 2018. More…
Creating Physical Experiences in a Digital World 
Consumers' physical relationships and communications are bound to the digital world — and your brand experiences must be too. More…

4 Predictions for Martech in 2018
Smaller budgets and an increased focus on the back office are among the top martech trends for 2018. More…

Job Opportunities

Development & Communications Director
Partnership for Strong Communities, Hartford

Senior Broadcast Engineer
ideastream, Cleveland, OH

Local Sales Manager
KCCI, Des Moines, IA

Manager, Media Relations - South
Macy's, Chicago, IL

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View From the Top 
20 leading B2B and B2C CMOs from brands like Avnet, Lenovo, Chobani, Walmart, Citi and more sound on the top marketing challenges and opportunites in 2018 in this new special report.  

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