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Chief Business Marketer October 27, 2016
Putting B2B Content Marketing into Context
Creating connective pathways and creating context can help amplify the power of your B2B content marketing strategies, says Ardath Albee. More…
Creating a Winning Content Marketing Strategy
In this special report, discover how implementing the right martech tools is the key to a successful content marketing strategy. More…
What’s Killing Your ABM Strategy and How to Fight Back
Falling into traditional, lead-focused tactics is easy when spinning up an ABM strategy, but it’s important to remember ABM is the antithesis of classic lead gen programs. How do you fight the temptation to revert to the norm?  More…

Q&A: Charting the Changing Customer Journey
Chief Marketer recently talked with Wharton School Professor David Bell about ways marketers can engage with consumers in today's changing digital environment. More…

Job Opportunities

History and Western European Studies Librarian
University of Texas Libraries, Austin, TX

Marketing Manager
Sunrise Senior Living, McLean, VA

Marketing Manager
Sunrise Senior Living, McLean, VA

Human Resources Assistant
World Harvest Church, Columbus, OH

Television Assignment Desk Manager

Media Specialist
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
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Influencer Guide
The increased focus on influencer engagement by communication is a testament to the power and value of thought leaders. In the guide receive practical advice on how to improve influencer engagement and integrate it more effectively into your communications strategy.

Breaking Barriers For Smarter Marketing
View this on demand webinar to discover real-world examples of how to eliminate marketing friction with barrier breaking smarter marketing.

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