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Chief Business Marketer October 29, 2015
Reasons Why Many B2B Buyer Personas Fail
A whopping 85% of B2B organizations aren’t using buyer personas effectively, according to research from ITSMA. Katie Martell shares where many brands go wrong.  More…
Implementing Account Based Marketing: 5 Tips 
Account based marketing (ABM) requires great customer information, which means the best opportunities exist at your current customers. Learn how you can maximize this approach.  More…
5 Ways Marketing Automation Drives Lead Generation
Are you making the most of your marketing tech investments? Here's five tips for using marketing automation to super charge your B2B lead generation efforts. More…

Wait, Wait… Peter Sagal Shares How to Tell a Joke
Peter Sagal gave a great closing keynote on how to tell a joke at MarketingProf’s B2B Forum last week in Boston—but you really had to be there. More…

Job Opportunities

Marketing Director
ViaQuest, Dublin, OH

Marketing Manager
Product Madness, San Francisco, CA

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