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Chief Business Marketer July 13, 2017
Q&A: Avnet’s B2B Journey to Reach Millennials
Avnet CMO Kevin Sellers shares how the B2B firm's recent rebranding helps it connect with Millennials and other new audiences. More…
What Marketing Can Learn From Sales
Two years ago, Gartner predicted that by 2018 robot writers will create around 20% of all business content, begging the question, are content marketers the traveling salesmen of the 21st century? More…
Bank of America Invests in B2B VR Engagement
Bank of America is using virtual reality to demonstrate impact of VR for its B2B customers. More…

The Digital Crossover Between Marketing and Technology
Content marketing is a key discipline in today’s digital marketing. To master all of these challenges, marketing needs to reorganize itself. It needs technology, organization, oversight and control systems. More…

Job Opportunities

Marketing Manager
Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Denver, CO

Marketing Manager - HR Conferences
LRP Publications, Horsham, PA

Marketing Manager - HVAC System & Automation
Armstrong Pumps, Inc., Toronto, Canada

Marketing Manager - Home Service Plus
CenterPoint Energy, Minneapolis, MN

Event Marketing Manager
MaxPoint, Morrisville, NC
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Connect to Convert—New Live Event 
Join us in NYC Aug. 21-23 for LeadsCon's Connect to Convert and learn the latest trends in B2B lead gen, nurturing and conversion. Featuring speakers from Avnet, ADP, Whirlpool, Aberdeen & more! 

Marketing to Millennials 2017
Discover how to reach B2B and B2C Millennial buyers in Marketing to Millennials 2017, a new, free on-demand virtual event from the editors of Chief Marketer, Multichannel Merchant and Event Marketer. 

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