
Data Driven ROI

  • Brown & Williamson Invests in CRM

    Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. has signed a five-year, eight-figure contract with KnowledgeBase Marketing Inc. for customer relationship management

  • Collectible DATA

    Unlike Superman or Wonder Woman, Batman doesn’t have special powers. Still, many consider the Dark Knight to be one of the great superheroes, if not perhaps

  • One-to-One Upmanship

    You’ve heard the old joke a woman says to her friend, What a wonderful son I have. He goes to a psychiatrist twice a week, and all he can talk about is

  • New Shooters at Harrah’s

    When Phil Satre resigns as Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.’s CEO on Jan. 1, a ripple effect will move direct marketing-savvy executives into several top positions.

  • Check Your Alignment

    Two business ventures were launched. Both sold the same products at a comparable price. Both spent considerably on packaging and advertising. Both developed

  • Getting Close to Proximity

    My company is currently involved in a database project for an automotive client that needs to select customers and prospects who live within a given radius

  • Hey You!

    Remember when you were a little kid and you had something you thought was really, really important to say but no one would listen? You couldn’t get the


    ONE COULD SAY that Sovereign Bancorp Inc. went the adoption route to grow its financial family. The Wyomissing, PA-based retail bank has completed 24

  • Sector Schism

    CONSUMER FIRMS are more likely to invest in database personnel and their systems, but business-to-business companies are gearing up to spend more on marketing

  • Games, Contests, Sweeps: Front and Center

    Spending on games, contests, and sweepstakes rose 10 percent to $1.65 billion in 2001, according to PROMO estimates. The year’s biggest news the indictment