

  • The Most Common E-mail Mistakes

    Building your permission-based e-mail database begins with creating a strategy for e-mail address collection and, ultimately, your corresponding value-based e-mail communications program, says Deirdre Namur, vice president of creative services at e-mail solutions provider Bigfoot Interactive.

  • Opened E-mail: The Key to Closing Sales

    Marketers are people too. That may be why, when they think of e-mail, their thoughts so often center on the barriers to getting delivered. They fixate on CAN-SPAM compliance, and opt-in opportunities, and the filters that Internet service providers and e-mail services

  • Opened E-mail: The Key to Closing Sales

    E-mail delivery is only the first step in the marketing process. Getting opened is where the selling begins.

  • Opened E-mail: The Key to Closing Sales

    By Brian QuintonApr 6, 2005 11:22 AM Marketers are people too. That may be why, when they think of e-mail, their thoughts so often center on the barriers to getting delivered. They fixate on CAN-SPAM compliance, and opt-in opportunities, and the filters …

  • Spam Wars: The Second Front

    The release of AOL 9.0, with its new personalized adaptive filters, and similar services from other Internet service providers (ISPs) has opened a new front of the spam wars. These filters are designed to learn from and adapt to the types of e-mail that each recipient considers to be spam. It has long been known that the more relevant the e-mail, the higher the likelihood a consumer will open and read it. These new filtering approaches reward relevant e-mail that consumers are likely to read and penalize e-mail that fails to address individual interests.

  • Romancing the Customer

    Sure, Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but every day is a good day to romance your customer base. Chris Baggott, chief marketing officer of e-mail services provider ExactTarget, detailed five ways to “bring love to your customers”–and of course, encourage them to love you back:

  • E-mail List Auditing Service Planned

    Efforts are under way to launch an e-mail list auditing service to ensure addresses released for rental comply with the Can Spam Act. Media auditing giant

  • Before You Blast That E-Mail…

    It’s widely known that e-mail is one of the most powerful marketing tools available for today’s small organizations. With e-mail, businesses of any size can cost-effectively solidify existing relationships, initiate new ones, and convert one-time visitors

  • E-mail Trends: Bye-Bye, Batch-Mailing

    Flexible mailing frequency, event-driven messages, and the growing importance of the “from” line are among the trends in e-mail marketing that practitioners should be aware of, according to ExactTarget, an Indianapolis-based developer of e-mail marketing solutions.

  • Tips for E-mail Tests

    Testing e-mail prospecting lists is in many ways the same as testing postal lists, says Don Buck, president of Milwaukee-based consultancy Buck Marketing. But e-mail testing has its own distinct challenges as well.