

  • Canadian Online Sales to Reach $8.3 Billion

    Canadian online sales are expected to reach $8.3 billion this year, a 25% gain over last year and next year, that number will reach 26.3%, according to EMarketer.

  • Seventh Generation Names Elenz Sales Vice President

    Seventh Generation, an online marketer of environmentally responsible products, has named Carter Elenz vice president of sales.

  • Short Cuts

    PCMall Inc. will begin carrying Netmon Inc.’s line of products on its and Web sites.

  • Short Cuts

    Lego Brand Retail Inc. has chosen PFSweb to provide order fulfillment of its online store,, and its Shop at Home catalog in North America.

  • NearbyNow Puts the Mall on Your Mobile Phone

    Five days before Christmas, and chances are your local shopping center looks like the Battle of Verdun, only with less parking. What would you give to be able to find out, without setting foot in that seething mass of frazzled parents, crying kids and overworked sales clerks, whether that set of barbells your Aunt Fanny had her eye on was available, and maybe even on sale? NearbyNow wants to give you that chance to search products at your local mall in comfort.

  • Naymz Accentuates the Positive on Search Engines

    One of the most interesting things about search is the way mash-ups, start-ups and third-party developments can flip back and forth over the fence separating consumer uses from business or marketing uses. Projects that get their start as useful tools for one group can very quickly be adapted to be useful for anyone promoting a product or service on the Web. Case in point: a spate of services that have grown up in the last year to improve and safeguard personal reputations on the Web.

  • Number One? Not Always the Top Ad Strategy

    San Diego-based search marketing firm Engine Ready recently came out with a look at the impact pay-per-click ad position has had on the clickthrough and conversion performance of a diverse selection of its managed accounts in the last year. While the data doesn’t rise to the level of a formal study or index, Engine Ready marketing vice president Brian Lewis thinks the project holds some interest as an informal look at bid strategy and performance.

  • Online Searches for “Gift Card” Increase as Holiday Shoppers Panic

    Internet searches for the term “gift cards” more than doubled as online shoppers, faced with the imminence of several December gift-giving holidays, turned to the Internet for one-size-fits-all gifts.

  • People in the News

    Nikki H.M. Jackson has been appointed search engine optimization manager at Brilliant Blue. Jackson will be responsible developing Internet marketing and SEO strategies for the agency’s clients.

  • 3 in 5 Merchants Say Holiday Sales Up: DMA Survey

    (Multichannel Merchant) People are spending more of their holiday dollars this year through catalogs and the Internet, according to a survey conducted by the New York-based Direct Marketing Association.